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May 10, 2017 Chrome freezes or crashes while loading a video or game. Step 1: Allow Flash on the site. Look for an error that says "Click to enable Adobe 

有了这些chrome插件,下载网页视频就是这么轻松! 最近在生活中遇到了一件小琐事,在网络上发现了一个不错的视频网站,上面有很多适合小朋友学习的动画短视频正好在最近的课程中需要用到,网上上有各种系列的视频想要下载下来到电视上播放给小朋友观看。 Chrome 里面下载在线视频资料的插件还真不少,但貌似因为 Google 官方并不允许这类插件在chrome 应用商店出现,所以大多出现一段时间就失效。 其实下载优酷或者其他视频网站的视频它们自身的客户端都有此功能,比如优酷的 iku,可以支持自身网站的视频下载。 中国の大手動画サイトであるYoukuで動画を見る際に便利なのがChromeの拡張機能であるUnblock Youkuです。Unblock Youkuのダウンロード方法だけでなく実際にUnblock YoukuでYoukuの動画を見る方法などを解説いたします。 First of all, you need to search for the video you want to download from Youku.com. After you have found the video you searching, all you need now is to Copy / Cut the URL from the URL box / address box (by pressing the combination of keystrokes CTRL+L on a computer, the URL will be highlighted and you can easily copy/cut the URL by pressing CTRL+C or CTRL+X)

Simply pick the format and quality you want and save video from Youku. try SaveVideo If you have questions, try checking the questions section below, afterwards feel free to send an email .

ChromeでYouku(優酷)やTudou(土豆)を見る方法 – Unblock Youku . ChromeのプラグインUnblock Youkuを利用して、YoukuやTudouの動画を見る方法を紹介しています。ブロックされて見れない動画もこの方法で見ることができます。 記事を読む Youku offers its users exceptional advertising experience, numerous advertisement options, and online viewing analytics. How to Get Youku in English: You can use Google Chrome to translate the Youku page to English by right-clicking the mouse on any part of the webpage and clicking the "Translate to English" option. If you're using Firefox, you Si vous utilisez Chrome restez là. Sinon sortez. Si vous utilisez Youtube restez. Sauf si vous utilisez Youtube mais pas Chrome. Si vous utilisez Chrome mais