The smash repo is a kind of repository that will provide you with benefits of both types of official and unofficial add-ons. In this article, we will provide you with the steps to download and install the smash repo on your mac, pc or device. The smash is a kind of wizard that you look for. It has the latest features that will really interest you.

Hi Guys, Smash Wizard is one of the most interesting and entertaining build for Kodi. This addon and repo is one of the several repo that has appeared to seen to fill the right desired addons. this addon has some maintenace tools as well as some apk files. Smash Wizard is a all new and latest Kodi install and maintenance tool. It has some nice Builds that includes Colossus v1.2, Skyllar C v2.2, Rolling Steel v2.3,Horizon vx.x, and Schism anniversary edition. SMASH Repo. 14. Complementos para video. 15. Listo! El repositorio Smash en Kodi 17 Krypton habrá quedado instalado correctamente. Como Instalar Repositorio Smash en Kodi 16 Jarvis o Anteriores. 1. Abrimos Kodi 2. Nos dirigimos a Sistema > Administrador de archivos Comment Installer Covenant Kodi 17,6 (Krypton) * Kodil Repo * La source de Colossus Repository est en panne. Nous avons fourni une autre méthode pour installer Covenant sur Kodi avec un dépôt Kodil. Le processus mentionné ci-dessous a été testé et fonctionne parfaitement, alors suivez les étapes décrites. Kodi figure parmi les meilleurs programmes de diffusion vidéo. Que ce soit pour écouter de la musique ou pour une utilisation plus approfondie des fichiers multimédias, ce programme offre des INSTALLER (64BIT) : à choisir pour installer Kodi en version « bureau » (installation classique qui ne passe pas par le magasin Windows) si votre PC a une architecture « 64 bits » (c’est le cas de la plupart des PC pas trop anciens). Si vous ne savez pas si votre PC est 64 ou 32 bits; essayez la 64BIT, au pire vous ne pourrez pas l’installer… 4. Smash Repo. Not only the old repo, but people are liking some of the latest additions on Kodi also. One of the newest repositories is Smash Repo that hosts a wide range of the most popular add-ons for Kodi, but most of them are unofficial. It has become the favorite of most of the Kodi users and is one of the best Fusion Kodi alternatives

Kodi smash repo installation guide for krypton 17.5 + fix not working issues. November 3, 2017 by Daniel Leave a Comment. Smash repo is one of the wonderful repositories. Because it is the host for evergreen add-on exodus, Gurzil, Stream All The Sources, 1Channel, and more. So it’s the best developing repository. It has various other add-ons such as Wrestling on demand. Totally it has 16

There is the “SuperRepo All” repository which has some of the best addons for Kodi. Locate the one you want and install. Bennu, for example, is in the video addons folder in that repo. Other among the best repositories for Kodi are Smash Repo, Noobs and Nerds, Mucky Ducks and Ares Wizard. Well, it’s the time to give you the list of best Install megatron kodi. Log in; Registration; Search for. Install megatron kodi ; Install megatron kodi

23/07/2017 · How to Install SMASH Repo for Kodi 17. By HowTos.Guide Kodi Repositories 0 Comments. Instructions on how to install the SMASH Repository for Kodi 17 (Krypton). If you have any issues with the instructions, please leave a comment. How To

How to Install Smash Wizard Addon and Repo on Kodi. admin August 2, 2017 December 5, 2017 Comments Off on How to Install Smash Wizard Addon and Repo on Kodi. Before getting started, you should know that, streaming movies, tv shows, live sports, PPV and other things on kodi is highly risky. So to hide your streaming activity and keep yourself protected, it is high recommended to make use of a How to Install Smash Repo on Kodi Krypton. Now the wait is over for the Kodi Krypton user. Here I am going to tell you the step by step procedure to install Smash repo on Kodi Krypton along with Picture. So let’s move to the tutorial. 1.. From home, Click on System icon, which is in left top corner. 2.. Then File Manager. 3.. Click on Add source. 4.. Now click to . 5.. You have to add 28/09/2017 Smash Wizard is a all new and latest Kodi install and maintenance tool. It has some nice Builds that includes Colossus v1.2, Skyllar C v2.2, Rolling Steel v2.3,Horizon vx.x, and Schism anniversary edition. Smash wizard comes with tons of new and popular addons. It has everything Kodi user need to get started with streaming. here is the guide to install Smash Wizard Kodi build. Here, We will use Smash Repo to download the Stream All the Sources Kodi Addon. There are different ways to Download this SALTS Addon using Smash Repo. The List as follows. Download SALTS Kodi using Smash Repo Zip- Direct Method; How to Install SALTS using File Manager- Alternate Method; Download SALTS Kodi using Smash Repo- Direct Method: